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3 Tips to Stress-Free Easter Week

by Christine Loy                                                                           March 2024

Some have dubbed it the "Super Bowl of Sundays" for church musicians! For Worship Leaders and those in ministry, Easter week is very busy, super rewarding and sometimes quite stressful! You likely have extra services to prepare and to sing! It requires a good amount of stamina and a good bit of intentionality.

So, how do you walk into Easter week with joy in your step, fully ready, in good voice and stress free?

Here are my 3-Tips for a Stress Free Easter week!

Tip # 1   STAY close to JESUS

I know, it sounds obvious. We are worshipers before we are singers and staying close to Jesus in personal worship is the number one reminder for all of us to prepare for your Easter marathon. Be it 3-minutes in the car or 30-minutes in your prayer closet, find your favorite worship song and sing it to the Lord. Talk to Him often. Listen to Him and be in His Presence. He will fill you with strength and joy for the week ahead.

Tip # 2   STAY Hydrated

When I get busy, I often stop drinking water! (probably because I've switched to coffee and more coffee!) Don't do it! To do a vocal marathon like Easter week, we need to DRINK, DRINK, DRINK WATER, all week.

You can not hydrate enough in the days prior to long singing, especially if it's allergy season (Spring pollen and flowers are here!) and your allergy meds dry you out even more.

Tip # 3   STAY Vocally relaxed

If you want to be in tip-top shape on Easter (or earlier in the week) your voice could use warm-ups every day this week. Keeping loose, free and open will help you be relaxed and confident on the platform.

Click here to grab this FREE 5-minute Vocal warm up on YouTube.

My friends, I pray for a blessed week for your Ministry! I pray that you have beautiful worship to the Lord and confidence in your singing.

How Do You Compare?

by Christine Loy                                                    Sept. 2023 

In talking with my students, and working with my own teams and choir this week, I was reminded of something. How many of us struggle with comparison syndrome?  

Have you ever felt intimidated by someone else's talent level?

You may serve on your worship team or choir and think - Can God use me if my voice is not as "good" as someone else? (the answer is "YES!") 

When I was in college, in a vocal performance oriented atmosphere, I quickly realized that there was always someone with more skill out there. Always someone who could sing better,  or have effortless high notes, more put together... yadda, yadda. You spend a lot of time learning to scrutinize and analyze your performance - and thus compare yourself to others.

However, if I've learned anything in my Christian walk, it's this:

Mindset and thoughts are your battle ground... in ministry.... in life... and in singing, too!

Here is your friendly reminder: Don't compare. Don't listen to those lies.   Do not let Comparison Syndrome steal your joy! 

Now, when I hear phenomenal singing or incredible talent, it reminds me that the incredible beauty in that voice reflects the beauty and creativity of God, Himself.   God can use anyone and he does.     Celebrate the incredible talent around you and keep working on your gifts... in your lane... what He has You at this very moment! 

God loves to hear you sing and worship Him! 

"Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his Good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

Singing with Joy, 
